Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Seasoned Travellers

I know the posts are a bit out of order but I thought I should post photos of traveling. The girls did so well on the plane, I think they could get used to this kind of life.  Emma really enjoyed it and "demanded" the window seats.  Tessa was sick so that might have made it easier for us.  Hanna is a book addict and finished two while traveling (I think she learned the hard way that most of her books should have gone in checked luggage instead of in her carry on bag).  And Marra, well she attracted lots of attention (whether she liked it or not) maybe because she looked like a girl that knew where she was going!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the trip went so well. How many hours did it take? I swear that shirt Marra is wearing was Savannah's long, long ago...too cute!